We follow the following policies for privacy and collection of information to honor a commitment to protecting your personal data. Arkansas Reiki Institute along with the International Center for Reiki Training are transparent about the limited personal data we collect, why we collect it, and how it is managed and shared.
Arkansas Reiki Institute and the International Center for Reiki Training are a community made up of Reiki practitioners, teachers and students who are utilizing classes and events for Reiki related activities and services.
How Your Personal Data Is Used
Where Your Information Is Shared
Your information is only shared to fulfill our business obligations and to maintain records of our students and the classes they attend. The information is only available to the staff of Arkansas Reiki Institute and the ICRT for maintenance of records of services provided. If at some time you decide to purchase items from the ICRT Website Store, you can then refer to the ICRT Privacy Policies posted on the Reiki.org website. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT YOU MAY WITHDRAW YOUR CONSENT AT ANY TIME BY SENDING A REQUEST FOR DELETION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA FROM THESE ENTITIES BY CONTACTING Karen Caig BY EMAIL AT karen@arkansasreiki.com
What Personal Data Do We Collect And Why
When you register for classes from the Arkansas Reiki Institute website, you will be asked to provide basic information of name, address, email and phone number to be placed into the Arkansas Reiki Institute data base along with the data base for the International Center for Reiki Training. You will also be asked to electronically register and approve that this information can be stored by both entities prior to your payments which are handled through Pay Pal. This data collection will be used to communicate with you information about classes, ongoing educational materials and to also register you with the ICRT for your certificate(s) and informational emails about special events or postings directly from the ICRT.
Access To and Control Over Your Information
Registrants may correct or update their personal data, request a copy of the information they have provided, or request a change or deletion of their data at their request by contacting karen@arkansasreiki.com. They will receive verification by email that their request has been completed.
Keeping Your Information Secure
Both Arkansas Reiki Institute and the International Center for Reiki Training are committed to keeping your information secure. We work with internet services and providers who provide us with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to help prevent any breech in data collected. We will strive to protect your data as we are advised by professionals in this area of expertise. We all know, however, that even with these safeguards in place, security data can sometimes be breached, and you should be advised that we are not legally liable should this occur. Please be advised that we DO NOT share your data with any third party entities. For further information you can also go to the ICRT website at Reiki.org for the ICRT Privacy Policy
Copyright © 2018 Reiki Institute - All Rights Reserved.
Would you like to learn Reiki but aren't sure where to start? Do you have questions? Karen is available to answer your questions about how Reiki can help you--whether you want to practice on yourself, friends, family, and pets, or if you want to become a Reiki practitioner or teacher.